Blokh, Raisa Noevna (1899 - 1943) Moi gorod. [Berlin], Petropolis,1928. 58 p. €250,00
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Small 8vo, publisher´s covers designed by Nikolai Zaretskii. GOOD TO VERY GOOD. AUTOGRAPHED. VERY RARE.

The book was issued for sale by Iakov Blokh, Raisa Blokh´s brother and the owner of 'Petropolis', on January 12,1928 at the very day of 'Petropolis' 10th Anniversary.

Raisa Blokh was M.Lozinskii´s student in Petrograd. She became a member of the 'Vserossiiskii soiz poetov' in 1920. Raisa Blokh emigrated to Berlin in 1922 with her brother´s family.She was active in the Berlin Poets' Club along with her husband Mikhail Gorlin. Blokh published her poetry in several Russian emigre literary journals including Sovremennye Zapiski and Chisla.

She graduated from Berlin University in 1928 and got her first job at 'Monumenta Germaniae Historica' where she worked till 1933. Raisa Blokh and her husband Mikhail Gorlin emigrated to France in 1933. She worked at the editorial of 'Revue de l'histoire de la pharmacie'. Both she and Gorlin perished after being arrested by German forces during the Second World War.

See: Pamiati ushedshikh.(Vospominaniia Evgenii Kannakh o poetakh Mikhaile Gorline i Raise Blokh) // Еvrei v kul´ture russkogo zarubezh´ia. Vyp. 1.1919-1939. Jerusalem, 1992, p.242-252
Kel´ner, V. 'Zdes´shumiat chuzhie goroda [...]' (О poetesse Raise Blokh)// Еvrei v kul´ture russkogo zarubezh´ia. Vyp. 1.1919-1939. Jerusalem, 1992, p.253-263.
Voronova, T. N. Raisa Blokh- russkaia poetessa i istorik zapadnogo Srednevekov´ia (iz perepiski s.O.A.Dobiash-Rozhdestvenskoi.//Problemy istochnikovedcheskogo izucheniia istorii russkoi i sovetskoi lliteratury.