Dal, Björn, Dr., professor., compiler,kulturarvschef
Harrison, Berit, intoduction
Harrison, Bertil (1918 - 2002)
Bibliotetheca columbarum. Bertil Harrisons duvbibliothek. En introduktion till en specialsamling om duvor, duvsport och duvhandel, donerad till Universitetsbibliotheket i Lund av Bertil Harrison 2007. Lund, Universitetsbibliotek, Lunds universitet, 2011. 34 p., [33 color ill.plates], [8 p., b/w and color ill.], bibliography. €20,00
More information
4 to, original covers in color. MINT. 500 copies printed only.

Autographed by compiler.

Shelf-description (pre-catalog) of Bertil Harrison (1918-2002) collection of books and manuscripts on doves and pigeons, pigeon-post, homing pigeons, pigeon-houses, breeding and managing of pigeons compiled by prominent book culture historian, bibliophile and book lover. Introduction by Berit Harrison, a widow of Bertil Harrison.Reproduction of Bertil Harrison´s article on his collection (Mina duvböcker) printed in 'Svensk Duvavels-förenings Tidskrift (1945, #2).
A valuable reference tool and guide to world´s best collection on doves and pigeons.