Portnikov, Vitalii [Eduardovich] (1967) Soroka, Olenka, book designer, eassayist |
Bogoroditsa v sinagoge. [Kyiv], Akta, [2011] [672 p., three indices] | €40,00 |
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8 vo, publisher´s binding.Book designer Olenka Soroka (?). FINE.AUTOGRAPHED. Another copy, no authograph--25.00 €. Edition limited to 1 000 copies. Vitalii Portnikov was born in 1967 in Kiev, at the time in the Ukrainian SSR of the Soviet Union (in present-day Ukraine). He graduated from the Moscow State University Faculty of Journalism in 1990. During his studies, he cooperated with the Kiev newspaper Molod' Ukrainy. Since 1989, he works as the analyst of the Nezavisimaya Gazeta, specializing in post-Soviet space, and cooperates with the Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian services of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. As a free-lance journalist he has been publishing articles in Russkii Telegraf, Kommersant, Vedomosti, Vremia MN, Vremia novostei, Moskovskie Novosti, Obshchaia gazeta, Ukrainian Den', Korrespondent, Profil, Delovaja Nedelja, Dzerkalo Tyzhnia, Kontrakty, Novynar, Glavred, Biznes & Baltia, Telegraf, Estonia, Postimees, Polityka, Gazeta Wyborcza, Polska, Belgazeta. In 2007, he was the editor-in-chief of the Media-Dom holding & the Ukrainian newspaper Gazeta 24. Since 2008, he has been the author of the weekly TV-show 'Kyivski pohliad'. His areas of interest are also Jewish history and culture, and the Middle East.He is the columnist of the Israel's most-popular Russian-language newspaper Vesti and Moscow-based Evreiskie novosti. In May 2010 Portnikov was appointed editor-in-chief of TVi. In November 2012 he became president of this channel. Vitaly Portnikov is the winner of the 'Zolote Pero 1989', the award of the Ukrainian Association of Journalists. He has also been nominated for the title of the Journalist of the Year in Ukraine. See: Portinikov emerges as one of nation’s top journalists, offering fearless commentary, Kyiv Post (November 12, 2010); Portnikov becomes TVi president, Kyiv Post (27 November 2012); Vitaly Portnikov personal official webpage. Polish: Witalij Portnikow w Kijowie) - ukraiński publicysta i dziennikarz.W 1990 ukończył Wydział Dziennikarstwa Uniwersytetu Moskiewskiego. Również od tego roku współpracuje z Radiem Swoboda w Moskwie. Od 1994 rozpoczął współpracę z ukraińskim tygodnikiem Dzerkało Tyżnia, od 12 maja 2010 jest głównym redaktorem telewizji TVi.Jest laureatem nagrody Związku Dziennikarzy Ukrainy 'Złote Pióro' (1989), Nagrody im. hetmana Orlika (1998), nagrodzony tytułem Dziennikarza Roku. |