Gorbachev, N., lieutenant-colonel engineer
Dobrovol´skii, V.
Naedine s obidoi. M., Izdatel´stvo gazety 'Krasnaia zvezda', 1965. 32 p.,ill.
(Bibliotechka 'Krasnoi zvezdy', No. 1 (157)
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8 vo, original soft covers designed by V.Dobrovol´skii. Attractive soft covers in black and white. VERY GOOD.RARE.

Collection of 'moral' stories on extreme situations, conflicts and criminal investigations in the Soviet Army in the 1960s. Pamphlet was printed for distribution to the Soviet military libraries throughout the USSR and at Soviet military bases abroad. Larger part of the run was sent to military libraries as a supplement to newspaper of MO SSSR 'Krasnaia zvezda' free of charge. A smaller part of the run was sold at numerous MO SSSR 'Voentorg' shops.