Ardov [Zil´berman], Mikhail Viktorovich (1938), Archpriest Monografiia o grafomane. Vospominaniia. M., [2005.] 525 p., [16 color & half-tone plates]
(Seriia 'Biografii i memuary')
More information
8 vo, publisher´s binding. Book designed by Grigorii Zlatogorov, a talented Moscow artist. VERY GOOD.

Mikhail Ardov [Zil´berman] is a junior son of Russian writer Viktor Efimovich Ardov (Zil´beman) [1900-1976], born in Voronezh. Viktor Ardov was raised in a traditional Russian-Jewish family. He graduated from the Economy Department of the Plekhanov Institute in Moscow, in 1925. Viktor Ardov published his first short stories in 1921. He also was a talented illustrator and published collections of his short stories with his own illustrations. He published in total over forty books of his short stories and plays. Ardov wrote the film script for 'Svetly Put' (The Shining Path, 1940, aka..Tanya). In 1933 Ardov married actress Nina Antonovna Olshevskaya.

Their apartment No.13 on Bol´shaia Ordynka was a popular meeting place for important Russian intellectuals, such as Mikhail A. Bulgakov, Mikhail Zoschenko, Boris Pasternak Anna Akhmatova, Marina Tsvetayeva, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Joseph Brodsky, Dmitri Shostakovich, and many others. Ardov collaborated with the famous Russian comedian Arkadi Rajkin, for whom he wrote satirical sketches.

Viktor Ardov was a life-long friend of Anna Akhmatova. He wrote about Akhmatova in his memoirs, 'Anna Andreevna lived with us in our home from 1934-1966, just as much time as she spent in her place in Leningrad.' Ardov and his family comforted Akhmatova and shielded her from the severe political attacks during the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin.

Mikhail Ardov graduated from MGU as a journalist, worked on Moscow Radio. He is the author of 'Legendarnaia Ordynka' (1995), 'Anna Akhmatova: Ozorstvo moe' (2006) and and other books. He also authored over 100 eassays and articles. Ordained in 1980 as an Orthodox Christian priest.

See: Valentina Polukhina Brodsky Through the Eyes of His Contemporaries, vol. 2 (2008)