Globa, Andrei Pavlovich (1888 - 1964) Korabli izdaleka. M., Izdatel´stvo 'Tvorchestvo',] MCMXXII. 46 p. €95,00
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Square 8 vo, custom made covers executed by previous collector of Russian poetry with pasted printed label in far left corner of front cover.

Andrei Globa (188 - 1964) was a prolific Russian - Soviet poet and translator with a greater interest in folklore of people of Russia and the USSR. He was close to A. Lunacharskii and his circle for a time. Some of his books were banned for distribution in late 1930s.

Attractive publisher´s logo of 'Tvorchestvo' publishing house on title page designed by Leon Bakst. Publishing house 'Tvorchestvo' was located in Moscow but for one year (1917-1918) had its branch office in Petrograd. 'Tvorchestvo' was a private publishing, specializing in poetry publications and art books, published art journal 'Tvorchestvo'. It was founded by S. Abramov in 1917 and closed in 1924 under pressure of Gosizdat hacks.Most of the books were printed at former Levinsohn and Golike&Vil´borg presses.

Among contributors: artists Alexander Benois, Dmitrii Mitrokhin, Leon Bakst, Sergei Chekhonin.Published works of Konstantin Bal´mont, Valerii Briusov, Ivan Bunin, Boris Zaitsev and Nikolai Gumilev among others.

See: Vladislavlev [ Gul´binskii ] I.V. Russkie pisateli . Opyt bibliograficheskogo posobiia po russkoi literature XIX - XX vekov. Izd. 4. M.,- L., 1924. Tarasenkov, Rozanov.

Soskin, L.M. Izdatel´skie marki Petrograda - Leningrada (1995) p.32, 201,422; Vitiazev, P. Chastnye izdatel´stva v Sovetskoi Rossii. Peterburg, 1921; Barenbaum, I.E.; Kostyleva, N.M. Knizhnyi Peterburg - Leningrad. L., 1986Voinov, V.V. Izdatel´skaia marka// Graficheskoe iskusstvo [...] L., 1927, p.111 - 124