Romanov, N., compiler. Katalog vystavki graviury na derevie A. P. Ostroumovoi - Lebedevoi. S poiasnitel´nym tekstom i 8-iu izobrazheniiami. M., 1916. 21 p., 1 plate, ill.
(Kabinet graviur Imperatorskago Moskovskago i Rumiantsevskago Muzeiia)
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8 vo, publisher´s covers.1 plate and 8 illustartions in text were printed from original woodblocks.VERY RARE.
Anna Petrovna Ostroumova-Lebedeva is known for her numerous color wodcuts and linocuts depicting St.Petersburg and Leningrad in span of more than 50 years. Illustrations printed from artist´s original plates. Edition was limited to 500 copies.

See: WorldCat: Anna Petrovna Ostroumova-Lebedeva (1871-1955) -- Exhibitions, Milner.